Best Birthday Gift EVER
After weeks of working extremely hard behind the scenes at ABN Radio UK they only gone and hired me as a freelance radio producer and...

Pika WHO
.Pokémon GO is a free to play , location based augmented reality game developed by Niantic . When it first came out in the summer of 2016...

Instant Regret
I have to admit I have a problem.. I'll watch a trailer I'll get hyped, I'll pre-order a game ( for a stupid amount of money, how is the...

Who am I ? the girl them sugar
George " Adders" Ofori- Addo is second year BA (Hons) Radio and Digital Media student at University of West London. Born and raised in...

Oh we been nominated... WHAT!
Now am not one to gloat but once a tutor said to me " To make it in the audio world you need a Mac , Pro tools and a decent Zoom" I...

Volunteer of the YEAR
Most people would stand on stage and say I want to thank my mum or Jesus, not me. I smiled and walked off stage. It was a complete...